Developing at Pace
3 new assumptions. 12 new behaviours. A 30% increase in feature deployment rate without any sacrifice in quality.
Current practices are no longer keeping up with today’s software development environment. This workshop reveals a new framework for Agile that — when applied correctly — will rapidly drive a 30% increase in the rate of new feature deployment to customers.
Without sacrificing quality.
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Software development has stalled and the symptoms are everywhere in your dev team.

Consistent trouble hitting development targets

Constantly overloaded senior developers

A backlog of bugfixes
that is out of control

Software timelines that are regularly behind schedule.
Yet software development was never supposed to be like this
This half-day workshop reveals exactly what Heads of Software Development must do to get development back on track, bring planning under control and increase output without sacrificing quality.

Peter Cronin, Director of ViAGO International Australia
To kickstart Agile you must kick out Sprints
In this workshop, Peter Cronin will argue that current incarnations of Agile have stalled as people have increasingly fixated on rigid implementations of Sprints (and SCRUM).
He’ll point out that the software development landscape has transformed since the Agile framework first emerged in 2001.
The update cycle is now exponentially faster — days, not months.
Yet Sprints remain essentially unchanged.
Peter will prove that this contradiction is hobbling team flexibility and crippling code output and quality.
Attend and discover:
- Why using due dates inevitably causes surging, and destroys code quality
- How longer Sprints make task interruptions nearly certain, and lead to an increase in work-in-progress and rework
- Why ensuring everyone is busy all the time is tremendously damaging, hides true team workload and reduces the output of your key (senior) developers
- Why current project management and staff capacity management techniques lead to situations where you have a perfect storm of overdue old work, time-critical new work and zero spare resources
Reboot performance improvement discussions and develop at pace
Peter will then introduce Pace — a new framework of 3 assumptions and 12 behaviours that revitalises Agile and enables software teams to develop continuously.
Generate rapid flow.
A revolutionary, high-speed software development approach that builds on the central tenets of Agile and enables software teams to develop continuously.
Leverage rapid growth.
A simple decision-making toolset that product managers and team leaders use to make sharp decisions that harness growth, even in the face of increasingly imperfect information.
More importantly, he will show how you can map Pace to your own organisation and turn your software development pipeline into a highly efficient machine.
Pace delivers on Agile’s promises
It simply recognises that software development today, is a far cry from where it was 20 years ago, and we all need to be even MORE agile in today’s highly-variable environments!
This new approach to planning and development overcomes the shortcomings SCRUM/Sprint introduce, to allow a truly Agile approach to new planning and deployment with fewer risks and greater potential for growth.